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[gallery] MIKE MILLER PHOTO IS WHAT TRIBE Mike Miller might be one of the best known unknown photographers you’ve never heard of. In the Instagram age with its built-in filters, everyone’s a (supposed) photographer now. This insta-photo phenomenon might make photos accessible but Mike Miller’s photo


[gallery] WHAT TRIBE COMES TO EAST LOS One of the hottest weeks in L.A. And we felt it. Though we’re from AZ, we still had to acclimate. Maybe we brought heat from Arizona. We were a long way from San Carlos, Salt River and Window Rock but


[gallery] WHAT TRIBE MURAL SPEAKS FOR ITSELF It was Summers last gasp and the the What TRIBE Project co-existed with L.A. heat. Follow now as the all-seeing photographic eye of Eriberto ORIOL documents a small mural project at Self Help Graphics 1300 First street in Boyle