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Thank God Miss America Is Indian
As Indian as apple pie
As Indian as hot dogs
As Indian as 4th of July baby.
As Indian as jewelry on the road to Grand Canyon.
As Indian as the self-victimization in the cupboard.
As Indian as the racism in buttered popcorn flicks.
As Indian as Coke Blow w Johnny Depp and Chevrolet
As Indian as Call Of Duty IV and Grand Theft Auto
As Indian as Machine Gun Kelly
As Indian as ultra-violence in three dimensions
As Indian as Lee Marvin, Cling Eastwood or Yul Brynner.
As Indian as Breaking Bad in Tohajiilee.
As Indian as meth labs in movies.
As Indian as Hunter S. Thompson on LSD
As Indian as an Oliver Stone Jim Morrison Indian dream

As Indian as the Gatling Guns of Navaronne
As Indian as a helicopter named Apache
As Indian as 200 .50 caliber bullets per minute.
As Indian as Audey Murphy battling PTSD
As Indian as Ira Hayes being made a drunken cliche
As Indian as shell shocked heroes and villains
As Indian as From Here To Eternity
As Indian as Exiles from L.A.’s Bunker Hill Chavez Ravine.
As Indian as Bonnie & Clyde, Dillinger and F-Troop too.
As Indian as an Aztec warrior on a tortilleria calendar.
As Indian as Brad Pitt called The Apache In a Tarantino movie.
As Indian as you.
As Indian as me.

“As Indian As”



What Tribe Project ~ Self Help Graphics


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