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There are three basic types of stereotypical “Native-Theme” photography.

1: Mystical landscape/pseudo-glam photoshopped model
2: Faux/ pseudo historic: Edward S. Curtis anthropology type.
3: “Poverty Portfolio” focus on environment, depression or addiction of Native People.

I want my photography to be a reflection of the understated forgotten beauty and raw power of Native and Tribal People, not as victims but as victors in spite of challenges. Hidden inside each image is a small revolution. Let us lay all (self-)stereotypes and categories aside. Stay proud and be yourself. That’s all but that is everything.
What you are seeing here on this site is a current version of our everyday self. No filters, romance, cliche’ or pandering for mainstream acceptance. Just Indian people being themselves, for ourselves. I’m blessed to call most my friends but more importantly that they allowed me to catch them in all their raw power, presence and dignity. Sometimes we were just having fun.

Douglas Miles / Photographer




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