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We were a long way from San Carlos, Salt River and Window Rock Arizona. We were with friends though. It was one of the hottest weeks in L.A. Even though we’re from AZ, we felt that California heat. Maybe we brought it from AZ? The What Tribe E.L.A. show was hosted by Self Help Graphics and curated by Douglas Miles. Our last venue was in Phoenix AZ. Denver University in Colorado kicked it off the What Tribe concept in Fall 2012. Now it has traveled to Los Angeles. Boyle Heights East Los to be exact.

What Tribe was meant to be a discussion on the negative proliferation of stereotypes of Native people and other ” tribes” in media. It still is. I wanted to allow artists to creative a proactive dialogue, not a reactionary one which we see too often via social media. However the show has now become a way to bring various ” tribes” together in tacit unity to have a greater discussion away from the environs of academia and art institutions that pander to an uninformed apathetic mainstream.

Via the What Tribe mural project, we wanted to reclaim and reinstate our own (Native) images via art in a larger context. As we shared with the diverse L.A. community our own perspective from our reservation city and tribal backgrounds, we inform and share our own aesthetic. Our unique tribal view is actually missing from one of the largest cities in the world. At the same time we aren’t pandering nor looking for pity from the art mainstream or society at large. Our art speaks for itself.

After having this discussion with Vyal Reyes ( Artist-In-Residence S.H.G.) and Evonne Gallardo ( Director of Self Help Graphics) they suggested we do the wall at Self Help Graphics. I’m sure I’m leaving something out of this story. It’s only meant to detail the birth of the mural and not the exhibition itself.

Summers last gasp and the the WhatTRIBE Project co-existed. Follow now as the all-seeing eye of Eriberto ORIOL documents a small mural project we did at Self Help Graphics & Art with Renelle White Buffalo , Thomas Breeze Marcus & Vyal Reyes. I .

Douglas Miles
Artist / Curator





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